Oi of Japan

The One and Only Japanese Oi!/Skinhead site. Accept no imitations.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Received a death threat from towryow (under a false name) of a Japanese neo-nazi and a nationalist band called Raise a flag

Dear Roddy,

Yuichi (Anger Flares/Bootstomp) has a long-time, profit-sharing relationship with a fucking fascist bonehead whose name is Towryow of the Japanese Neo-nazi/Nationalist band called Raise A Flag (as its band name suggests who they are).

Towryow (Cowardly, it's not his real but a false name) sent a threatening letter to me at http://dollq.seesaa.net on purpose saying that he demanded I quit writing anything on my one and the only Japanese Anit-Fascist/Anti-Racist Oi!/Skinhead blog at http://dollq.seesaa.net and delete all of the articles or else he will get a group together and will mob my house and Towryow said that even they will kill me.

As every Japanese people of sound judgment know, I have been writing a lot of acetous criticisms and cynicisms against the Japanese neo-nazi and the nationalist bands who believe Ian Stuart is God on my blog at http://dollq.seesaa.net in your Rock against Racism/Fascism's step.

However, Japan is such a backward country where Ian Stuart is still alive and makes his authority felt in.

Even Anger Flares who call themselves the Japanese best friend of The Oppressed turn a blind eye to such a fascism/terrorism bringing a freedom of speech into submission by violence.

I strongly hope you will cut ties with Yuichi (Anger Flares/Bootstomp) immediately and will support me at http://dollq.seesaa.net before it's too late.


Best Regards,


At Monday, September 08, 2008 8:54:00 PM, Blogger Dr. Kylldare said...

Hi Toshi,

First of all I hope all your issues with those fascist scumbags have finished well for you. I know that those shitheads just bark usually, but sometimes they can be dangerous. Take care of yourself, mate.

The case is that I have a blog in spanish about the international Mod Revival from 1979 to 1986 and beyond. Take a look here:


Researching about the japanese mod scene, I arrived to your blog. I know that is not your main interest, but could you give me any information about japanese groups of that time? That is, links, preferably in english, or whatever you want to send me to


Thanks in advance for your kindness and greetings from Spain.

At Sunday, February 07, 2010 8:43:00 AM, Blogger WayNe said...

Dude, why is Ian Stuart so popular in the oi movement there? No one in America really likes that guy, some people like the first couple of Skrewdriver albums but that's it.

F.Y.P. - Ian Stuart As A Crash Dummy

That song is all he's good for. :D


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