Oi of Japan

The One and Only Japanese Oi!/Skinhead site. Accept no imitations.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Received a death threat from towryow (under a false name) of a Japanese neo-nazi and a nationalist band called Raise a flag

Dear Roddy,

Yuichi (Anger Flares/Bootstomp) has a long-time, profit-sharing relationship with a fucking fascist bonehead whose name is Towryow of the Japanese Neo-nazi/Nationalist band called Raise A Flag (as its band name suggests who they are).

Towryow (Cowardly, it's not his real but a false name) sent a threatening letter to me at http://dollq.seesaa.net on purpose saying that he demanded I quit writing anything on my one and the only Japanese Anit-Fascist/Anti-Racist Oi!/Skinhead blog at http://dollq.seesaa.net and delete all of the articles or else he will get a group together and will mob my house and Towryow said that even they will kill me.

As every Japanese people of sound judgment know, I have been writing a lot of acetous criticisms and cynicisms against the Japanese neo-nazi and the nationalist bands who believe Ian Stuart is God on my blog at http://dollq.seesaa.net in your Rock against Racism/Fascism's step.

However, Japan is such a backward country where Ian Stuart is still alive and makes his authority felt in.

Even Anger Flares who call themselves the Japanese best friend of The Oppressed turn a blind eye to such a fascism/terrorism bringing a freedom of speech into submission by violence.

I strongly hope you will cut ties with Yuichi (Anger Flares/Bootstomp) immediately and will support me at http://dollq.seesaa.net before it's too late.


Best Regards,